Toyo M-54

Until now we have presented you several solutions dedicated to long haul trucks, but it is now time to also have a look over a tire model that can be fitted on light trucks. Toyo is a producer that comes with a great offer for this type of vehicle, the M-54 model, a tire that can be placed in all positions and is especially designed for highway traffic.

Toyo is not one of the traditional producers of truck tires, but throughout their existence they have managed to come with a lot of excellent tires for other applications. But how did they do when they had to release a light truck tire? Well, from what we tested, they did a very good job with the M-54. Traction, one of the most important elements for a light truck tire, is at the highest levels on both dry and wet conditions. Steering response is also very good and we especially enjoyed the fact that these tires offer a comfortable ride and don't produce a lot of noise. The Toyo M-54 tires come with a deep tread that is designed to increase the life of the tire. We also noticed a very good resistance to wear and therefore we have all the reasons to believe that you will be satisfied with the life time and quality of the Toro M-54 light truck tires.