About truck tires

Trucks can be considered an important part of the road culture from the United States because they are the main tools of road transport. The highways are full of them because they travel from one coast to another in order to supply the economy with every possible product.

Trucks are almost always on the road, meaning that they cover huge distances in short intervals. This results in a quick tire wear, so imagine that the companies that own lots of trucks have to change quite a high number of tires at short intervals. However, truck tires are somehow different from the tires we see on our small vehicles. They are especially designed to travel more miles before wearing down and needing to be replaced. In addition, think of the weight that hast to be supported by truck tires, compared to the ones from small cars. Of course, because there are more of them, the weight is evenly distributed, but even so it still remains big. And because of the weight of the whole truck when it has cargo, it is important that the tires are resistant to punctures. Imagine having a tire explosion on the front axle of a truck. It would make the truck almost impossible to control and the cargo can be damaged, meaning that a lot of money will be lost because of a tire.