Truck Tires

Have you ever thought of truck tires as the objects that keep the economy of the county moving? I guess not, but you should realize their importance as trucks are the main tool of transport in the United States, travelling huge distances from one coast to another. Tires are their most fragile part, the one that offers them good traction independently on the road conditions and the one that keeps the cargo, the truck and the driver safe.

Truck tires are a whole different story that regular car tires because they are always on the move. Trucks are not used occasionally, they have to travel incredible distances and they have to do it fast, meaning that they only have a few stops. Therefore, you can imagine the stressful conditions under which a truck tire has to work perfectly for thousands of miles. This means that truck tires are build to be much more resistant to wear than the tires you use on your family car. Also, think of the load that has to be supported by a truck tire and what could happen with it if a puncture would occur at high speeds and the driver would lose control. All these will definitely make you understand the importance of truck tires. And here at we will have a look on some of the best and some of the most popular models you can find on the market and let you know what we think about them.